Zoom Whitening

The average person has heard of Zoom teeth whitening yet does not fully understand what it is really all about. Zoom whitening gel has hydrogen peroxide that oxidizes when positioned below a blue LED light dubbed WhiteSpeed. This process removes stains from the teeth. All in all, Zoom whitening at our dental practice typically takes about 45 minutes to complete. The dentist might choose to break up your Zoom teeth whitening appointment into three separate 15-minute sessions.

Once Zoom teeth whitening is complete, you will find your teeth are significantly lighter. In fact, some patients enjoy teeth that are upwards of eight times lighter than they were prior to the Zoom whitening treatment. The dentist will take note of the shade of your teeth prior to the whitening process so you can compare your newly-whitened teeth to how they looked prior to Zoom teeth whitening. Though there is the potential for short periods of pain that last a mere second or two during whitening, they are infrequent and unlikely to cause more than a very brief sensation.